牧食记AgriPost.CN Newsflash China’s feed production recorded the world’s largest increase in 2021, with pigs and pets contributing prominently

China’s feed production recorded the world’s largest increase in 2021, with pigs and pets contributing prominently

The China Feed Industry Association announced on Feb. 10 that the country’s total commercial feed production last year was 293 million tons, up 16.1% YOY. The Alltech Agri-Food Outlook 2022, released earlier, said that China’s commercial feed production increased by 8.9% to 261 million tons last year, the most significant increase globally (with an average of 2.3%).

In terms of animal species, both in China and globally, the growth is led by pig feed and pet feed.

According to the China Feed Industry Association, the national pig feed production increased by 46.6% YOY to 131 million tons last year, and pet feed production increased by 17.3% to 1.13 million tons. Ruminant and aquatic feed production recorded increases of 12.2% and 8.0%, respectively, while layer and broiler feed production decreased by 3.6% and 2.9%, respectively.

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