牧食记AgriPost.CN English News Online “Global Poultry Web Congress” |November 28-29

Online “Global Poultry Web Congress” |November 28-29

This year all of us face a completely new threat – COVID-19. The restrictions affect all aspects of our lives, including the work of the agricultural sector. Lack of direct contact with professionals who provided valuable information about effective farm management, is just one of the restrictions that farmers have encountered.

Nobody knows how long it will last, but we should now make decisions related to efficient functioning of our farm.

Regarding this on 28 and 29 November InConventus Group organize the international poultry online conference – “Global Poultry Web Congress”. The new format of the international conference will allow poultry farmers, veterinarians and other industry representatives to get a new knowledge and information from the most known experts, without leaving home.

During those two days, 100 experts from around the world in real time through the ZOOM will present solutions to the most common problems and answer current questions in the field of poultry farming. Among the speakers will be representatives of leading industry companies, heads of associations, professors, owners of poultry farms and veterinarians.

The main topics of the Congress:

– New technologies in farm management;

– Modern nutrition technologies;

– Practical workshops on optimization of broilers and layers production;

– Strategies to reduce the viral risk of poultry;

– Poultry-meat production forecasts and poultry-meat processing trends.

In addition, the training format will allow everyone to engage in direct 1:1 meetings with poultry thought leaders, access to our sponsors and industry partners, which will help to establish working relationships with key industry players from around the world.

Records of all seminars and discussion sessions will be available for 90 days. This will allow you to view each of performance after the broadcast.

The primary language at Global Poultry Web Congress events is English. However, we will provide simultaneous interpretation in Polish and Russian.

Click here for more information and registration https://poultry-congress.com.

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